Jennifer Feather Youngblood
Jennifer Barlup
Andy Batt
Tay Lane
Jim Azelvandre
Michelle Weiser
Travis Horseman
Mary Sink
Pam Sanchez
Joyce Patrone
directed by
Jennifer Feather Youngblood
Jennifer Barlup
Andy Batt
Tay Lane
Jim Azelvandre
Michelle Weiser
Travis Horseman
Mary Sink
Pam Sanchez
Joyce Patrone
directed by
Jen and Jim are seeking a divorce and the only thing that stands in their way is a box of stuff neither of them wants. A tape recorder, a women’s volleyball trophy, a ceramic duck and a lamp. As they attempt to divide these items a new possibility enters their relationship, the desire for it to end differently, a wish, if you will, that carries Jen back into the past and a possible future. But you know what they say, be careful what you wish for. The pains of new relationships can be just as difficult as failed marriages and fiftieth wedding anniversary can also mark decades of compromise. Still, behind it all a wish for true love remains, but the greatest obstacle to happiness maybe the mistress of wishes herself, the Jinn who can make your wildest dreams come true, if you follow the rules.
as The Jinn
as Jen
as Jim
as Jenny
as Jimmy
as Jennifer
as James
as Minion
as Minion
as Minion
Michelle Batt and
Amanda Bauer
August 5th-28th, 2010
all shows at 8pm
Fridays & Saturdays with special Thursday preview on 8/5
$15 regular admission
$10 students/seniors
227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418