Brian Spangler
Andy Batt
Vanessa Forster
David Thonnings
Sarah Brunet
Jim Azelvandre
Directed by
Brian Spangler
Andy Batt
Vanessa Forster
David Thonnings
Sarah Brunet
Jim Azelvandre
Directed by
227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418
A wickedly funny and provocative dark comedy, PALE IDIOT begins on the outskirts of a town with a problem: they have an idiot in their midst that is threatening social order and a Health Inspector is on his way to investigate and eradicate. The Idiot and all those who might be “infected” have been quarantined to be tested by the Health Inspector. The “Idiot Test” is the real center of this play - each level is a mad linguistic and physical hurdle where the answers are right, but the questions are somehow wrong. PALE IDIOT is a psychological drama Foucault might have written if he had seen more Jerry Lewis films. It investigates oppressive power structures and offers some daring possibilities for their removal.
as The Idiot
as The Health Inspector
as The Mayor’s Assistant
as The Altar Boy
as The Mother’s Maid
as The Blacksmith’s Apprentice
Peter Graybeal and
Ric Shoemaker
March 2nd-25th, 2006
all shows at 8pm
$8-$15 regular admission
$6 students/seniors