227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418
227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418
WiFi HUNTERS AND GATHERS by Erik Sternberger
It’s a scramble to secure the modern essentials when a neighborhood loses its power and internet.
directed by Becky Horseman
GONE IN THREE by Brendan Michna
Love is about savoring every moment like it may be your last.
Joe Liles as 1
Brendan Michna as 2
Jim Azelvandre as 3
Nikki Smith as Emily
directed by Brendan Michna
assisted by Michelle Batt
December 13th & 14th, 2013
Both shows at 10:30pm
$5 regular admission
The latest edition of MadLab’s 3 in 30 is White Elephant. 3 in 30 will present three original 10-minute plays based on the common theme of White Elephant. These are great shows that 3in30 didn’t get to perform before because there were too many good shows and they can only do 3 at a time. Come early for Wall: A Product of Resourcefulness and Efficiency in America’s Never-Ending Battle for Absolute Supremacy and General All-Around Kick-Assedness and then stick around for that classic holiday game, White Elephant, with your host, Hermy the Elf.
THE TREVA EFFECT by Austin Steinmetz
Treva is the disaster you just can’t resist.
directed by Josh Kessler