227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418
227 North 3rd Street | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.221.5418
February 6th & 13th, 2009
Both shows at 10pm
$5 regular admission
HE, SHE, THEY by Heather Fidler
A couple meets for old times’ sake, but this time is different.
Brian Spangler-Campbell as He
Gretchen Vogt as She
Directed by Stephen Woosley
SAID/UNSAID by Jim Azelvandre
A married couple is never quite on the same page with each other. Is that redundant?
Maurice Hall as Man
Jennifer Ntiri as Woman
Directed by Michelle Batt
SILENT WORDS by Brendan Michna
What are words for when no one listens?
Joe Liles as Boy
Nikki Smith as Girl
Traci Matson as Mother
Directed by Brendan Michna
The newest feature of AFTERWORDS, MadLab’s late night series, is 3 IN 30. MadLab will present 3 original 10-minute plays based on a common theme. The plan is that in every 2-month cycle, a new theme is presented, pitches pitched and selected, plays written, directors and casts selected, and the plays rehearsed and performed. And then, the cycle begins again.